On Saturday, May 30 Jack and I went to the Briarwood One Day down at NWEC in Rainier, WA. It was my first time going Beginner Novice, and it was a blast!
I was the most nervous about our dressage test. Jack's dressage has come a long way in the last year, but we still don't have much experience actually doing a test in a show. No matter how well you school, putting in a decent test at a show is hard! However, Jack warmed up really nice and relaxed, and we had our best test ever!

It was a hot day, somewhere in the 80's, so I was a little concerned about Jack having enough down time between events. He got a half hour or so in his stall to drink water and relax before we tacked up for stadium. I only did a few warm up fences before going into the ring because he felt ready to go. Unfortunately I made a bad approach to our first fence, so we knocked down a rail. But I realized my mistake, put my leg on, and came in straight to the rest of the fences. Jack got all his distances and it was so much fun!

We had a little longer after stadium, maybe about 40 minutes. Jack snoozed in his stall while I changed and got ready for cross country. We headed over to the warm up area where they had an actual cross country jump for warming up in addition to the standard X, vertical, and oxer. Since we had just jumped and it was hot, I didn't want to do too much to wear Jack out. We did just the crossrail from both leads and then the XC ramp from both directions. Jack felt completely ready and I could tell he was excited. As soon as we crossed the start line, Jack was on! We went faster than I have gone when we have schooled cross country. It was amazing! Jack jumped everything, and was constantly looking for the next fence.

I should have balanced him back before a few fences where he took off long, but the fences were so small, he was easily galloping over them. I was not worried at all, and it was so fun to just be in the gallop rhythm and fly over the fences!

I had such a great time with Jack and with all of my friends at the show! We are going to our first recognized event at our next show. We'll be going Beginner Novice at the Whidbey Island Pony Club Horse Trial in July. I can't wait!
Just look at you and Jack out there!!! I think you both look wonderful, and I am soooooo jealous. ;)
Give yourself a pat on the back, and give Jack an extra carrot or two.
Hi Heidi,
I've just recently started reading your blog, seeing it through kate's blog, grey brook eventing. I cant get over how much our ponies look alike! :)
I'm trying to start making the switch too eventing with my thoroughbred. Any tips?
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